Experimentelles Praktikum: Fortgeschrittenen Praktikum I/II - Advanced Lab Course I/II (M.Phy.1401/M.Phy.1402) - Details

Experimentelles Praktikum: Fortgeschrittenen Praktikum I/II - Advanced Lab Course I/II (M.Phy.1401/M.Phy.1402) - Details

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General information

Course name Experimentelles Praktikum: Fortgeschrittenen Praktikum I/II - Advanced Lab Course I/II (M.Phy.1401/M.Phy.1402)
Course number 531475
Semester SoSe 2024
Current number of participants 55
expected number of participants 160
Home institute Fakultät für Physik
participating institutes III. Physikalisches Institut - Biophysik, Institut für Astrophysik und Geophysik
Courses type Experimentelles Praktikum in category Teaching
First date Wednesday, 10.04.2024 09:00 - 17:00
Participants Studentinnen und Studenten des Studienganges MSc Physik / MSc Matter to Life
Performance record →Ab hier automatisch erfasste Informationen / Beyond this point, the information is filled in automatically←

Prüfungsleistung(en) je Modul / Exam details per module:

* [(M.Phy.1401.Ex) Advanced Lab Course I - Experiments][1]
* Prüfungsvorleistung: Mo, 23.09.2024
* [(M.Phy.1401.Mp) Advanced Lab Course I][2]
* Mündlich: Mo, 30.09.2024
* [(M.Phy.1402.Ex) Advanced Lab Course II - Experiments][3]
* Prüfungsvorleistung: Mo, 23.09.2024
* [(M.Phy.1402.Mp) Advanced Lab Course II][4]
* Mündlich: Mo, 30.09.2024

[1]: https://ecampus.uni-goettingen.de/h1/pages/startFlow.xhtml?_flowId=detailView-flow&unitId=44856&periodId=272
[2]: https://ecampus.uni-goettingen.de/h1/pages/startFlow.xhtml?_flowId=detailView-flow&unitId=22461&periodId=272
[3]: https://ecampus.uni-goettingen.de/h1/pages/startFlow.xhtml?_flowId=detailView-flow&unitId=44857&periodId=272
[4]: https://ecampus.uni-goettingen.de/h1/pages/startFlow.xhtml?_flowId=detailView-flow&unitId=38030&periodId=272


Rooms and times

No room preference
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00, weekly(13x)
(HS2, A.00.102 (Fakultät Physik))
Wednesday, 10.04.2024 14:00 - 16:00
(SR17, F.05.104 (Fakultät Physik))
Friday, 19.04.2024 16:00 - 17:00

Fields of study

Module assignments


Introductiory Meeting (mandatory): 23.10.2024
12 -14 Uhr im HS 2 (A.00.102)

Tutor Meeting: 01.11.2024
16 - 17 Uhr im SR 16 (F.02.125)