Dr. Salvatore Tomasello

Dr. Salvatore Tomasello

Abteilung Systematik, Biodiversität und Evolution der Pflanzen mit Herbarium

Untere Karspüle 2
37073 Göttingen

Telephone:+49 551 39 25757
Fax:+49 551 39 22329
Foto Dr. Salvatore Tomasello
Curriculum vitae

Scientific career:

Since 10/2017 Post-doctoral research fellow at the Department of Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants (with Herbarium), Georg-August-University, Göttingen

01/2016 - 11/2016 Post-doctoral research fellow at the department of Plant Sciences, University of Regensburg (working group Prof. Dr. Oberprieler)

02/2015 - 12/2016 Post-doctoral research fellow at the department of Systematic Botany and Mycology, LMU University Munich (working group Prof. Dr. Heubl)

05/2012 - 07/2015 research assistant at the department of Plant Sciences, University of Regensburg, Germany (working group Prof. Dr. Oberprieler)

Academic Education:

02/2015 Ph.D. in Botany, University of Regensburg, Germany; Advisor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Oberprieler. Project: “Polyploidy and high mountains environments. Evolutionary processes at different scales in the subtribe Leucanthemopsidinae (Compositae, Anthemideae)”

02/2009 Master Degree in Ecology and Biogeography. University of Palermo, Italy

04/2007 Bachelor Degree in Scienze Naturali (Natural Science). University of Palermo, Italy

Research interests

·         Coalescent-based methods for species delimitation and species tree reconstruction

·         Effects of polyploidy in plant evolution

·         Spatiotemporal diversification of mountain plants in the Mediterranean region

·         Floristic in the Mediterranean region


Journal Papers:

Tomasello S, Oberprieler C. 2022. Reticulate Evolution in the Western Mediterranean Mountain Ranges: The Case of the Leucanthemopsis Polyploid Complex. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 13: 842842. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.842842

Karbstein K, Tomasello S, Hodač L, Wagner N, Marinček P, Barke B, Pätzold C. Hörandl E. 2022. Untying Gordian knots: Unraveling reticulate polyploid plant evolution by genomic data. – New Phytologist. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.18284

Marinček P, Wagner N, Tomasello S. 2022. aDNA extraction methods for herbarium specimens – When is it worth the effort? – Applications in Plant Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1002/aps3.11477

Müller-Kiefer J, Tomasello S. 2022. Invasive or threatened? The decline of the old-world Xanthium strumarium (Asteraceae) in Italy based on herbarium records. – Flora Mediterranea 32: 17-24. https://doi.org/10.7320/FlMedit32.017

Karbstein K, Tomasello S, Hodač L, Wagner N, Marinček P, Barke B, Pätzold C. Hörandl E. 2021. Unravelling Phylogenetic Relationships, Reticulate Evolution, and Genome Composition of Polyploid Plant Complexes by Rad-Seq and Hyb-Seq. – BioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.08.30.458250

Marinček P, Wagner N, Tomasello S. 2021. Using herbarium samples for NGS methods – a methodological comparison. – BioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.08.26.457828

Karbstein K, Tomasello S, Hodač L, Lorberg E, Daubert M, Hörandl E. 2021. Moving beyond assumptions: polyploidy and environmental effects explain a geographical parthenogenesis scenario in European plants. Molecular Ecology https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.15919.

Karbstein K, Rahmsdorf E, Tomasello S, Hodač L, Hörandl E. 2020. Breeding system of diploid sexuals within the Ranunculus auricomus complex and its role in a geographical parthenogenesis scenario. Ecology and Evolution https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.7073.

Karbstein K, Tomasello S, Hodač L, Dunkel FG, Daubert M, Hörandl E. 2020. Phylogenomics supported by geometric morphometrics reveals delimitation of sexual species within the polyploid apomictic Ranunculus auricomus complex (Ranunculaceae). TAXON https://doi.org/10.1002/tax.12365.7.

Tomasello S, Konowalik K. 2020. On the Leucanthemopsis alpina (L.) Heywood growing in the Illyrian region. PhytoKeys 161: 27-40 https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.161.53384.

Tomasello S, Karbstein K, Hodač L, Paetzold C, Hörand E. 2020. Phylogenomics unravels Quaternary vicariance and allopatric speciation patterns in temperate-montane plant species: a case study on the Ranunculus auricomus species complex. Molecular Ecology http://29: 2031-2049. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.15458.

Karbstein K, Tomasello S, Prinz K. 2019. Desert-like badlands and surrounding (semi-)dry grasslands of Central Germany promote small-scale phenotypic and genetic differentiation in Thymus praecox. Ecology and Evolution 9: 14066–14084 http://doi10.1002/ece3.5844.

Tomasello S, Stuessy TF, Oberprieler C, Heubl G. 2019. Ragweeds and relatives: Molecular phylogenetics of Ambrosiinae (Asteraceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 130: 104-114.

Liveri E, Tomasello S, Hammerschmid C, Kamari G, Oberprieler C. 2018. Diferentiation of the endemic Greek genus Hymenonema and its relatives of subtribe Scolyminae (Compositae, Cichorieae) based on a multilocus species tree reconstruction.  Plant Systematics and Evolution 304: 1255-1267.

Tomasello S. 2018. How many names for a beloved genus? – Coalescent-based species delimitation in Xanthium L. (Ambrosiinae, Asteraceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 127: 135-145.

Hassanpour H, Zare-Maivan H, Sonboli A, Kazempour-Osaloo S, Wagner F, Tomasello S, Oberprieler C. 2018.  Phylogenetic species delimitation unravels a new species in the genus Sclerorhachis (Rech.f.) Rech.f. (Compositae, Anthemideae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 304: 185-203. DOI:10.1007/s00606-017-1461-4

Oberprieler C, Ott T, Hipper A, Kilian N, Bog M, Tomasello S, Meister J. 2017. Pleistocene shaping of genetic diversity in a monsoon‑affected environment: the case of Gymnosporia (Celastraceae) in the southern Arabian Peninsula. Plant Systematics and Evolution 303: 1399-1412. DOI:10.1007/s00606-017-1464-1

Tomasello S, Heubl G. 2017. Phylogenetic analysis and molecular characterization of Xanthium sibiricum using DNA-barcoding, PCR-RFLP and specific primers.  Planta medica 83: 946-953. DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-106585.

Tomasello S, Oberprieler C. 2017. Frozen ploidies. A phylogeographic analysis of the Leucanthemopsis alpina polyploid complex (Compositae, Anthemideae).  Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 183: 211-235.

Oberprieler C, Wagner F, Tomasello S, Konowalik K. 2017. A permutation approach for inferring species networks from gene trees in polyploid complexes by minimising deep coalescences.   Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8: 835–849. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12694

Konowalik K, Wagner F, Tomasello S, Greiner R, Vogt R, Oberprieler C. 2015. Detecting reticulate relationships among diploid Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae) taxa using multilocus species tree reconstruction methods and AFLP fingerprinting.  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 92: 308-328.

Tomasello S, Alvarez I, Vargas P, Oberprieler C. 2015. Is the extremely rare Iberian endemic plant species Castrilanthemum debeauxii (Compositae, Anthemideae) a ‘living fossil’? Evidence from a multi-locus species tree reconstruction.  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82: 118-130.


Oral presentations at conferences:

Tomasello S, Karbstein K, Hodač L, Pätzold C, Hörandl E. Resolving phylogenetic relationships in Ranunculus auricomus using target enrichment. XVI OPTIMA Meeting, Athens, 2-5.10.2019. http://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.32362.06086.

Tomasello S, Karbstein K, Hodac L, Daubert M, Pätzold C, Hörandl E. Diversity and species concept in the polyploid apomictic Ranunculus auricomus. V International Plant Science Conference (IPSC). Fisciano, Italy, 12-15/09/2018.

Tomasello S, Wagner F, Oberprieler C. Using the multispecies coalescent model to infer species tree/networks and species delimitations. XV OPTIMA Meeting. Montpellier, France, 6-11/06/2016.

Tomasello S, Konowalik K, Wagner F, Oberprieler C. Inferring species networks from gene trees in polyploid complexes by minimising deep coalescences: examples from the genus Leucanthemopsis (Compositae, Anthemideae). XIV OPTIMA Meeting. Palermo, Italy, 9-15/09/2013.

Tomasello S, Konowalik K, Wagner F, Oberprieler C. Inferring species networks from gene trees in polyploid complexes by minimising deep coalescences: examples from the genera Leucanthemum and Leucanthemopsis (Compositae, Anthemideae). Botany 2013, Conference of the BSA (American Society of Botany). New Orleans, USA, 27-31/07/2013.

Tomasello S, Oberprieler C. Phylogeography of the polyploid complex of Leucanthemopsis alpina (L.) Heywood (Compositae, Anthemideae). 21° Conference of the DBG (Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft). Mainz, Germany, 16-19/09/2012.

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