Allgemeine Informationen
Veranstaltungsname | Seminar: Turkish Economy, B.WIWI-VWL.0038: Ausgewählte Fragestellungen der Volkswirtschaftslehre |
Untertitel | |
Veranstaltungsnummer | 801624 |
Semester | WiSe 2020/21 |
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden | 8 |
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl | 15 |
Heimat-Einrichtung | Department of Economics |
beteiligte Einrichtungen | Volkswirtschaftstheorie und Entwicklungsökonomik |
Veranstaltungstyp | Seminar in der Kategorie Lehre |
Erster Termin | Donnerstag, 05.11.2020 08:00 - 18:00 |
Art/Form | |
Teilnehmende |
Eligible Participants The seminar is open to Bachelor students in economics, business economics, Erasmus exchange students |
Voraussetzungen |
Eligible Participants The seminar is open to Bachelor students in economics, business economics, Erasmus exchange students. Knowledge of macroeconomics and development economics is desirable but not prerequisite. |
Lernorganisation |
Course Description This course is concerned about the major issues and problems of Turkish economy. Particular emphasis is given to the changing structural characteristics of the Turkish economy, and to its long-run integrational process to the world capitalist system. Many macroeconomic indicators together with the industrialization and development experience of the country from the historical perspective constitute the major research areas. The late economic and social structure of the Ottoman Empire is also included as discussion topics. |
Leistungsnachweis |
Course Requirements To acquire six credit points students will have to write a research paper, prepare a presentation, participate in the discussions, and briefly discuss a paper of another student. Research Papers The seminar papers must be written in English, comprising 15-18 pages (12pt, 1 ½ spaced, excluding bibliography and exhibits). In addition, a short abstract of about 200 words (key question, methodology and main results) has to be composed. The papers should be analytical and critical, develop a coherent argument, drawing own conclusions and should go beyond the pure summary of existing literature. Presentations The presentations should have a maximum (!) length of 20-25 min focusing on the main insights of the research papers. The speaker can use any visual device for his presentation (e.g. handouts, transparencies) and should be able to answer short questions during the presentation. Make sure to keep your audience in mind and prepare a well-structured, interesting and educational presentation, and do not in any case only read out your paper! Discussions In addition each student will be assigned to another paper, which she/he should briefly (5 min) discuss after the presentation. The discussion should be a critical reflection of the paper and presentation (content, structure, unclear points) and come up with two or three questions to start a discussion (please be prepared to voice your own opinion about these questions). It is also expected that all other students have briefly gone through the papers of the other participants before the seminar, so that a good discussion after the presentations can take place. |
ECTS-Punkte | 6 |