Kurs: Bringing Data to the Point. Online Course on Data Visualisation - Details

Kurs: Bringing Data to the Point. Online Course on Data Visualisation - Details

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General information

Course name Kurs: Bringing Data to the Point. Online Course on Data Visualisation
Subtitle Grafik (bearbeitet) von www.flickr.com unter CC0 https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.de
Semester unlimited
Current number of participants 160
Home institute Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
participating institutes Digitalisierung in Studium und Lehre
Courses type Kurs in category Teaching
Performance record You can receive a confirmation of participation after successfully completing the final test at the end of the course.
Modul(e) Chapter 1: Functions of Visualisation – Why Is Information Visualised?
Chapter 2: Forms of Visualisation – What Forms of Representation Are Suitable for My Data?
Chapter 3: Organisation and Design – How Do I Bring My Data into Focus?
Chapter 4: Critical Information Visualisation – How Do I Make the Process Transparent?

Rooms and times

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On completing this online course on Data Visualisation, the students will be familiar with different forms of visualisation and know what type of data they are best suitable for. They will also be able to apply the basic tips for good design and, this way, present their graphics and images – whether in term papers, presentations or on posters – in the best possible way.