Advanced seminar: Empirical Analysis of Development Aid with Stata (Volkswirtschaftliches Hauptseminar) - B.WIWI-VWL.0044: - Details

Advanced seminar: Empirical Analysis of Development Aid with Stata (Volkswirtschaftliches Hauptseminar) - B.WIWI-VWL.0044: - Details

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General information

Course name Advanced seminar: Empirical Analysis of Development Aid with Stata (Volkswirtschaftliches Hauptseminar) - B.WIWI-VWL.0044:
Course number 801599
Semester SoSe 2021
Current number of participants 5
expected number of participants 20
Home institute Volkswirtschaftstheorie und Entwicklungsökonomik
Courses type Advanced seminar in category Teaching
First date Thursday, 15.04.2021 16:00 - 20:00, Room: (Raum ZHG105, Gebaeude ZHG: Pl. d. Göttinger Sieben 5 (ZHG))
ECTS points 6

Rooms and times

(Raum ZHG105, Gebaeude ZHG: Pl. d. Göttinger Sieben 5 (ZHG))
Thursday, 15.04.2021 16:00 - 20:00
Friday, 07.05.2021, Friday, 02.07.2021 - Saturday, 03.07.2021 09:00 - 18:00
No room preference
Monday, 28.06.2021 (all-day)


Due to the current situation (coronavirus), this course or parts of it may be offered online. Please register for the course on Stud.IP so that you receive all information in due course.

You can find the syllabus of this course at [][1]

Please note the related accompanying course:Empirical Analysis of Development Aid with Stata (Volkswirtschaftliches Hauptseminar) Accompanying Stata Course - B.WIWI-VWL.0044.


Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Admission with password protection: Empirical Analysis of Development Aid with Stata (Volkswirtschaftliches Hauptseminar) - B.WIWI-VWL.0044:".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • Password required.