Lecture: Molecular Weed Science - Details

Lecture: Molecular Weed Science - Details

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General information

Course name Lecture: Molecular Weed Science
Course number 740611
Semester WiSe 2022/23
Current number of participants 18
maximum number of participants 30
Home institute Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften
participating institutes Department für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften, Pflanzenpathologie und Pflanzenschutz
Courses type Lecture in category Teaching
First date Monday, 24.10.2022 14:15 - 15:45, Room: (L44 (Pflanzenpathologie-Institutsgebäude))
Performance record →Ab hier automatisch erfasste Informationen / Beyond this point, the information is filled in automatically←

Prüfungsleistung(en) je Modul / Exam details per module:

* [(M.Cp.0015.Mp) Molecular Weed Science][1]
* Klausur: Mo, 20.02.2023, von 15:30:00 bis 17:30:00 ([E-Prüfungsraum MZG 1.116 (MZG/Blauer Turm) ][2])
* Klausur: Mi, 12.04.2023, von 09:30:00 bis 11:30:00 ([E-Prüfungsraum MZG 1.116 (MZG/Blauer Turm) ][2])

[1]: https://ecampus.uni-goettingen.de/h1/pages/startFlow.xhtml?_flowId=detailView-flow&unitId=23247&periodId=275
[2]: https://www.geodata.uni-goettingen.de/lageplan/?ident=5237_1_1.OG_1.116

Rooms and times

(L44 (Pflanzenpathologie-Institutsgebäude))
Monday: 14:15 - 15:45, weekly (13x)

Fields of study

Module assignments


Lecture: In the lecture the application of molecular methods in weed science and weed
management is presented, focusing on the naturally occurring herbicide resistance in
weeds. The genetic basis will be taught with regard to transgenic and non transgenic
herbicide tolerance in cultivated plants. The possibilities of the use of molecular
techniques for the detection of herbicide resistance in weeds will be discussed. New
findings by the so called -omics ( genomics, proteomics and metabolomics) on the
interaction of weeds with their environment are of importance in the development of new
herbicides and will be discussed as well as alternative transgenic approaches in weed
Practical: A one week practical will be held after the lecture. In the practical actual
resistance problems in weeds are presented. Resistance detection methods will be
presented and carried out on the protein level ( target assay) and on the genetic level
(SNP-analysis") and the possible use for a sustainable herbicide weed management will
be discussed.

Learning outcome, core skills:
Understanding the basic principles of the interactions between herbicides and
the target plant and herbicide selectivity. Resistance mechanisms in weeds and
mechanisms of tolerance in cultivated plants are understood, can be distinguished and
practical consequences be drawn. Students have a fundamental understanding of the
development and distribution of herbicide resistance in weeds.

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Beschränkte Teilnehmendenanzahl: Molecular Weed Science".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • A defined number of seats will be assigned to these courses.
    The seats will be assigned in order of enrolment.