Seminar: Is it all about violence? The quest for honour in ‚honour-based‘ societies - Details

Seminar: Is it all about violence? The quest for honour in ‚honour-based‘ societies - Details

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General information

Course name Seminar: Is it all about violence? The quest for honour in ‚honour-based‘ societies
Course number 867079
Semester WiSe 2018/19
Current number of participants 5
expected number of participants 20
Home institute Institut für Ethnologie
Courses type Seminar in category Teaching
First date Tuesday, 16.10.2018 10:15 - 11:45, Room: (Raum 2.103, Gebaeude Ethnologie: Theaterplatz 15 (Ethnologie))
Modul(e) B.Eth.332.Mp: Regionale Ethnologie II
B.Eth.332B.Mp: Regionale Ethnologie II
B.Eth.333.Mp: Regionale Ethnologie III:
B.Eth.342.Mp: Ethnologische Forschungsthemen & Theorien II
B.Eth.342B.Mp: Ethnologische Forschungsthemen & Theorien II
B.Eth.343.Mp: Ethnologische Forschungsthemen und Theorien III:
B.Ira.121.PrVor2: Moderne iranische Kultur, Medien und Gesellschaft
M.Eth.102.Mp: Ethnologische Regionalkompetenz
M.Eth.105.Mp: Forschungsfelder, Fragen und Beiträge der Ethnologie
M.Eth.105a.Mp: Forschungsfelder, Fragen und Beiträge der Ethnologie
M.Eth.323.Mp: Profil III: Wissen und Religion
M.Eth.324.Mp: Modul zur Profilschärfung
M.Eth.331.Mp: Regionale Ethnologie
M.Ira.112.1: Kulturelle Traditionen, Medien und Kommunikation in iranischen Gesellschaften (Medien, Presse, Film)

Rooms and times

(Raum 2.103, Gebaeude Ethnologie: Theaterplatz 15 (Ethnologie))
Tuesday: 10:15 - 11:45, weekly (14x)
(Raum KWZ 0.609: 0.609, Gebaeude KWZ: PIZ 5312)
Thursday: 10:15 - 11:45, weekly (14x)
No room preference
Friday, 15.03.2019 (all-day)

Fields of study


"Is it all about violence? Quest for honour in "honour-based" societies" is the title of the joint seminar offered in the winter term 2018/19 by two scholars from the different disciplines, Professor Dr. Nikolaus Schareika (social anthropology) and PD Dr. Khanna Omarkhali (Iranian studies). Do we often correctly understand what is in reality behind e.g. an "honour-killing" or do we allow us to be influenced by "honour-murder" discourse often created by the media? This seminar is a step by step learning of the multi-layered system by which so called honour-based societies create social and political order. The presenters will address different dimensions of the concept of honour which will explore e.g. honour and social status, morality, shame, dignity, gender, etc. The scholars" expertise in different honour-based regions will enrich the seminar with different cases from various regions and cultures in Iran, Kurdistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Arabia and Africa. Moreover, the presenters will provide the students with the basic methodological approaches that are expected from the scholars to better investigate the issue.

The seminar is composed of two weekly sessions:


1. The main seminar (2 SWS) "Is it all about violence? The quest for honour in 'honour-based' societies" (Di 10:15-11-45 in Ethnologie 2.103), and
2. The supplementary seminar (2 SWS) "The meaning and practice of honour: Analysing case studies from Iran, Kurdistan, Afghanistan, Arabia and Africa" (Do 10:15-11-45 in KWZ 0.609).

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Zeitgesteuerte Anmeldung: allgemeiner Anmeldezeitraum".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • The enrolment is possible from 08.10.2018, 12:00 to 28.10.2018, 23:59.