Language course: Deutschkurs: Deutsch - Grundkurs 3 (A2.1) - Deutsch für Beruf - Details

Language course: Deutschkurs: Deutsch - Grundkurs 3 (A2.1) - Deutsch für Beruf - Details

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General information

Course name Language course: Deutschkurs: Deutsch - Grundkurs 3 (A2.1) - Deutsch für Beruf
Course number 4502979
Semester WiSe 2024/25
Current number of participants 19
maximum number of participants 25
Home institute Abteilung Interkulturelle Germanistik
Courses type Language course in category Teaching
First date Monday, 28.10.2024 08:30 - 10:00, Room: (VG 4.107 (Verfügungsgebäude - PIZ 5361))
Participants These classes are aiming at students and Ph.D. students of the University Göttingen who wish to start to communicate in German.
Pre-requisites Please register directly in StudIP < >.
Students who are new: Please take the placement test at [][1]. Please save your result because the teacher asks for it.
Students who continue: All students from previous semester can change to the next level without a new placement test. Please have your summary of achievements from FlexNow ready. Here you can find more information: < >.
Or show another recognized German language certificate (e.g. Goethe-certificate, TestDaF, DSH, telc, etc.) or IIK certificate.

Performance record →Ab hier automatisch erfasste Informationen / Beyond this point, the information is filled in automatically←

Prüfungsleistung(en) je Modul / Exam details per module:

* [(SK.DaF.A2-1-4Std.Mp) Deutsch - Sprachkurs A2.1][1]
* Klausur: Mi, 22.01.2025, von 08:30:00 bis 10:00:00

Miscellanea All basic level courses are designed to develop communication skills in everyday situations and prepare for the next level B1.

Rooms and times

(VG 4.107 (Verfügungsgebäude - PIZ 5361))
Monday: 08:30 - 10:00, weekly (12x)
(VG 4.103 (Verfügungsgebäude - PIZ 5361))
Wednesday: 08:30 - 10:00, weekly (11x)
No room preference
Wednesday: 08:30 - 10:00, weekly(1x)

Fields of study

Module assignments


All basic level courses are designed to develop communication skills in everyday situations and prepare for the next level B1.

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "1-Deutschkurse WiSe 24-25 - Integrierte Kurse".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • The enrolment is possible from 21.10.2024, 00:00 to 25.10.2024, 09:00.
  • Enrolment is allowed for up to 1 courses of the admission set.
  • At least one of these conditions must be fulfilled for enrolment:
    • Global status is Tutor
    • All fields of study
    • Global status is Student
  • A defined number of seats will be assigned to these courses.
    The seats will be assigned in order of enrolment.
Assignment of courses: